Thursday, February 21, 2008

Life .. customised

"Everyday that I ve spent in this world till now has been a dream. Its been beautiful, tough & scary. " Thats one of the most cliche lines I ve ever heard. Makes me sound like a melodramatic queen who s found her knight in shining armour and fought with the world for love.... and to think Im beginning my blog with that. My knight is far away who s probably at work now racing to meet deadlines. The shining armour would be a black jacket that he wears and the horse is substituted by his pulsar ( i like the pulsar way better than the horse).
Born on 2nd Jan 1987, missed being New Year's baby by precisely 7hrs 27 min. Migrated like the rest of our kind to the gulf at the age of 4. Was proclaimed a typical "gulfy" ... a can of soft drink in one hand .. attired in a grubby t shirt n jeans .. chanting the mantra of our lives ( hip hop in case you didnt know). Learnt a lot ... what not to do and what never to do in life. Came back to India at 16 and got lost completely.
3 years in Chennai and now in Karnataka working hard for an MBA. Extremely hard. Im sitting in an Information system lecture now posting random thoughts on my blog. The guy next to me is checking out pics of " hot bollywood women". So called misuse of wi-fi and so called hard work.
MBA is tough they say.. Yup it is when you are "the one" for all. The concept of "the one" is pretty simple to understand. When groups for evey project / presentation is declared, everybody hunt for "the one" 's name and match that group with theirs. If its the same then the work will get done. Unfortunately I am "the one".
So back to me being me .. A typical girl otherwise -
1) been trying to lose weight forever.
2) aiming at owning this world soon.
3) frantically hoping and praying my knight in shining armour doesnt ride his equally shining horse away in the opposite direction.

Weird things about me -
1) I detest gossip.
2) I hate wasting time.
3) I hate academia ( girls usually love A+'s)

Done with the random musings for now. The lecture s over and we are finally about to enter the freedom zone where I can go to my room and catch up on some lost zzzzzzzz.


1 comment:

Anamika said...

frantically hoping and praying my knight in shining armour doesnt ride his equally shining horse away in the opposite direction.
lol !
.....................................................and it's our life baby ! It'll go the way we make it go ! remember ....the steering wheel is in our hand ! :)
so , It's dangerous to be confused !